"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

– steve jobs


We've collected a selection of the reports on housing over the last few years and provided links to the websites below.  Scroll down for details.


Auckland Mayoral Housing Taskforce Report

Auckland Council

The Mayoral Taskforce report focuses on housing supply in Auckland.  It identifies barriers and constraints to housing supply together with solutions and recommendations.

Public Service Association submission for Auckland Mayoral Housing Taskforce

Public Service Association

A survey of over 2,500 PSA members on issues relating to Auckland housing.

Wellington Mayoral Housing Taskforce Report

Wellington City Council

The Wellington Mayoral Taskforce report recommends strategic approaches and specific projects to realise a city vision of "All Wellingtonians Well Housed".  It includes implementation plans and specific actions for all issues across the housing continuum - including homelessness, rental and housing affordability, issues relating to maintenance, social housing, density and housing quality.


Church Leaders' Statement on Housing

Church Leaders

Combined statement on housing by the church leaders to the Prime Minister.

The Mess We Are In - Auckland's Housing Bubble from a Construction Perspective

Professor John Tookey, Auckland University of Technology

This report is part of an ongoing series on housing which is action-orientated and solutions-focused with an objective of bringing academic research to helping fix the challenges facing Auckland today.

Fiscal Costs for Different Housing Tenure Options - Social Renting to Housing Independence


The purpose the report was to estimate the impact on government fiscal costs and revenues of transitioning households along the housing continuum; from social renting towards owner-occupancy.

Urban Development Agencies - Discussion Document


Discussion document for Urban Development Authorities.

Better Urban Planning

NZ Productivity Commission

The Productivity Commission's review of the urban planning system in New Zealand.

13th Annual Demographia International Affordable Housing Survey

NZ Initiative

The international housing affordability survey covers 406 metropolitan housing markets in nine countries.

Social and Economic Impacts of Housing Tenure

NZ Housing Foundation

This report summarises new research findings by examining costs and benefits of different forms of tenure and calculating the long term advantages of moving those in private and social renting on pathways towards home ownership.

Our Place - All New Zealanders Well Housed

Community Housing Aotearoa

Our Place is a working document comprising a plan for delivering affordable housing in Aotearoa-New Zealand prepared on behalf of the community housing sector.

The Solution

Leonie Freeman

The first comprehensive solution to fix Auckland's housing crisis.

Auckland Transport Alignment Project

Auckland Council and various government agencies

An aligned strategic approach for the development of Auckland's transport system.

National Construction Pipeline Report 2016


The report provides a forward view of national construction activity for the coming six years, ending on 31 December 2021.

Developing Affordable Housing at Scale:  Lessons from Europe

Nick Collins, Beacon Pathway - prepared for MBIE

This report reviews affordable housing supply across cities in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and United Kingdom (UK) to consider what lessons New Zealand can learn from how these cities / countries are addressing very similar challenges.

Housing Challenges - Insights into Views on the Challenges Facing Auckland

Auckland Council

This report provides exploratory insights into views on the housing and growth challenges facing Auckland.

Residential Property Amalgamation and Aggregation in Auckland: 2004-2014

Auckland Council

The study identified a total of 1202 residential property amalgamations and aggregations in Auckland’s urban area which occurred between 2004 and 2014.

Housing Supply, Choice and Affordability - Trends, Economic Drivers and Possible Policy Interventions

Chris Parker, Auckland Council

The Auckland Council's Chief Economist's report analyses the housing affordabilty problem, identifies causes and gives a long list of possible solutions.

People's Panel Survey - Auckland Neighbourhood, Housing and Transport Preferences

Victoria University and Centre for Sustainable Cities - for Auckland Council

This report summarises the results of the People's Panel Survey on Auckland neighbourhood, housing and travel preferences.

Manifesto - Taking Action - A Toolkit Approach for Residential Development

Property Council

This report comprises a broad spectrum of policy initiatives and reforms to remove barriers to housing development.

Free to Build - Restoring NZ's Housing Affordability

NZ Initiative

Recommended solutions to improve Auckland's housing affordability issues.

Review into the Implementation of the Government's Social Housing Reforms - Part 1

Crest Consultancy and Martin Jenkins - for Treasury

A detailed review of the issues and challenges relating to the Government's Social Housing Reform Programme together with recommended solutions- Part 1.

Review into the Implementation of the Government's Social Housing Reforms - Part 2

Crest Consultancy and Martin Jenkins - for Treasury

A detailed review of the issues and challenges relating to the Government's Social Housing Reform Programme together with recommended solutions- Part 2.

Using Land for Housing

NZ Productivity Commission

The report focuses on the supply of infrastructure-enabled land for housing as a key constraint in housing affordability.  It lays out what is necessary for the supply of land to meet housing demand.

The Housing We'd Choose - A Study of Preference, Choices and Trade-offs in Auckland

ME Spatial and Research First - for Auckland Council

This study contributes a new and unique understanding of the demand side of the housing equation. It collected the views of more than 1400 Aucklanders to understand what was important to them in choosing a place to live, and it explored what types of housing they would choose to buy or to rent, if it were available, within their current income and financial constraints.

Auckland Council Research Strategy and Priority Research

Auckland Council

The housing research theme is one of six themes outlined in the Auckland Council Research Strategy and Priority Research Areas (2013 -2016) document. It comprises research on: housing supply and demand, housing preferences, housing quality, affordability and homelessness.

Cost of Residential Servicing Report

Centre for International Economics - for Auckland Council

This study shows the true cost of servicing different types of development and assessing the impacts of location and typology.  It is part of a wider research program by Auckland Council assessing land use policies.

Bespoke Residential Housing Demand and Construction Innovation


This report examines the drivers of demand for bespoke housing, the impact of building firm size and the barriers to innovation, and thus productivity, in New Zealand residential construction.

Long Term Vacant Residentially Zoned Land in Auckland - Vacancy and Development Potential

Auckland Council

This research study makes an assessment of the potential for housing development on vacant residentially zoned parcels in Auckland’s existing built-up area that were identified as long-term vacant in 2012. The two specific objectives of the study are to analyse the ownership, land use and related property attributes of the total current stock of long-term vacant sections in Auckland’s built-up area, and to elicit the perspectives of a sample of long-term vacant land owners relating to development of their land.

Auckland's Housing Market - Trends in Dwelling Prices and Affordability for First Home Buyers

Auckland Council

The objective of this report is to develop an evidence base on trends in house prices and housing affordability at a detailed spatial level.

Housing Affordability in NZ - Household Surveys


The aim of this paper is to inform debate by drawing out evidence from the Household Economic Survey and the Survey of Family, Income and Employment.  In particular it examines how patterns of house prices, expenditures, and home ownership have changed over time and across groups.

Housing Affordability Enquiry

NZ Productivity Commission

This report evaluates the factors influencing the affordability of housing (both rental and owner-occupied housing) and examines potential opportunities to increase housing affordability.

Why Some Countries Build More Than Others

NZ Initiative

This report is a summary of international fieldwork examining different markets and systems of local government, including how regulators work, how incentives impact how houses are built and how their planning culture impacts development.

Priced Out - How NZ Lost its Housing Affordability

NZ Initiative

This report examines the development of housing in New Zealand since the early 1900s, the current state of the housing market, and its journey to this point.

Home and Housed - A Vision for Social Housing in New Zealand

Housing Shareholders Advisory Group for Ministers

This report provides recommendations on the most effective delivery model for state housing services, more productive and innovative ways to use social housing assets and transparent measures of how this could be achieved.

NZ Housing Report - Structure, Pressures and Issues

Department of Building and Construction

This report provides a broad overview of the housing market conditions and looks at the overall balance of housing demand and supply.