"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."
– steve jobs
We've collected a selection of the reports on housing over the last few years and provided links to the websites below. Scroll down for details.
Auckland Mayoral Housing Taskforce Report
Auckland Council
The Mayoral Taskforce report focuses on housing supply in Auckland. It identifies barriers and constraints to housing supply together with solutions and recommendations.
Public Service Association submission for Auckland Mayoral Housing Taskforce
Public Service Association
A survey of over 2,500 PSA members on issues relating to Auckland housing.
Wellington Mayoral Housing Taskforce Report
Wellington City Council
The Wellington Mayoral Taskforce report recommends strategic approaches and specific projects to realise a city vision of "All Wellingtonians Well Housed". It includes implementation plans and specific actions for all issues across the housing continuum - including homelessness, rental and housing affordability, issues relating to maintenance, social housing, density and housing quality.